Sending Private Messages

Once in your private messages area, click on 'New Message' on the right: In the 'Send to' area, input the Connect username of the person you want to message (which you can find based on their post or by searching within the community).

  1. Sending Private Messages On Instagram
Sending private messages on twitter

1. Log in to the chat room as normal.

  • A private message on Messenger is possible to be really private if you are using or doing your own encrypting. If the encryptions are done by a third party, then there is always a chance that the message privacy can be questionable.
  • One way to send a message to a friend is to click the Messages link on the left side of your home.
  • Aug 22, 2020 Sending Private Message on Facebook Facebook is among the most popular social media and at any time you can send messages to any user free of cost. But there are a number of fake or duplicate accounts of the user as Facebook won’t do any KYC and that cause people are making multiple accounts for different reasons.

To send a private message to another user in the chatroom, you will need to login to the chatroom.

2. Choose the user you want to chat privately with.

Click on the user’s name or picture on the users list.
A window will open where you can send messages. Once a message will be send, the window will pop in the other chatter screen.
* You can always Block a user from sending you a private message using the block button.

3. Private chat indicators

When you’re on a private conversation with a user, and receiving a message from a different user, a red indicator will be shown on the [different] user name (the one that sent the message) with the number of messages sent.
In addition, a red indicator will show on the top of the users list with the number of pepole that send you a message.


4. Video Call & Audio Call


You may call another user with a video or audio call (anonymously).
Click on the video or audio icons on the bottom.
* To learn more about video chat and audio chat click here.

After clicking, a call will be made.

5. Security and Privacy

Sending Private Messages On Instagram

Private chat is private. Admins can’t see the conversation.
You have the option to export a private conversation if you were part of the conversation.