Transas NAVI-SAILOR 4100 ECDIS Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Transas NAVI-SAILOR 4100 ECDIS Installation Manual. Planner 4000 CBT User Manual 1.11 Mb. TRANSAS NAVI SAILOR 4000 MANUAL Are you looking for Transas Navi Sailor 4000 Manual document in Transas Ecdis 4000 Manual ECDIS and Radar Systems Transas type-approved ECDIS and Radar Systems. Navi-Sailor 4000 ECDIS is designed in full compliance with the latest IMO, user.
TRANSASNavi-Sailor 4000 - ECDIS integrated MFD system Navi-Sailor 4000 ECDIS ECDIS is a computer-based navigation information system compliant with International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations and can be used as an alternative to paper nautical charts. An ECDIS system displays the information from electronic navigational charts (ENC) and integrates position information from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), gyrocompass, speed log, other navigational sensors, radar and automatic identification systems (AIS). Transas delivers a full range of type-approved ECDIS solutions that can be stand-alone or part of the Integrated Navigation Systems or Multifunctional Display i.e. Radar, Conning, Alarm Management, Track Control in one workstation. Transas ECDIS provides easy and unique possibilities for customization.
Every Transas MFD workstation (WS) can be equipped with a standard set of software such as ECDIS, Radar, Conning, Chart Assistant utility and SPOS weather module giving the mariner the ability to switch between applications at the touch of a button. All the aforementioned applications are running simultaneously as part of the Multifunction Display. •Marine LED Display Premium+ pack brings the following additional advanced functions: •Trial Maneuver For both Premium and Premium+ an extensive range of additional hardware solutions and software options are available.
•Navigator-friendly environment for One Man Bridge operation reduces workload and stress; configuration; protected by firewall. TRANSASWAVE - fuel monitoring for economical navigation WAVE Awareness of how speed, trim, draught, and other parameters affect the fuel consumption is crucial if consumption it to be reduced. Wave is installed on the bridge and uses information from the vessel’s navigation sensors, flow meter, engine data and emission sensors. Functionality Minor changes generate major savings – Just making small changes to speed, trim and planned route, can lead to significant fuel savings and reduced environmental impact. Wave includes these, plus a range of additional parameters that can lead to savings of more than 5%. The most important factor, however, is that this information is presented clearly and gives instant feedback to your input. Saving fuel and reducing environmental impact is crucial in today’s shipping industry. Rising fuel costs and an ever-increasing awareness of the factors affecting the environment mean that we must all take responsibility for minimizing consumption. Advantages:
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Model: 4000Brand: Sea Sense
Transas made use of proven solutions in combination with advanced technology to develop Navi-Radar 4000
Marine Radar Wikipedia
AAPurposeANavi-Radar 4000 uniquely combines radar information, navigational charts, ENC safety parameters, targets, user-maps, routes and tools for decision support, which all ensure safer navigation.AWith Navi-Radar 4000, chart layers can be individually configured, avoiding a cluttered radar display.AAFunctionalityAA Pre-calculated motion vectors: Even before the operator acquires a target, Transas Navi-Radar 4000 already selects potential targets and provides you with instant vector and object data.A Target association: Built-in filters can associate any AIS and ARPA target to provide reliable, real-time data, selected by the operator.A Filtering lost targets: In heavily trafficked areas, focus is key to avoiding dangerous situations. Operator-defined target filters warn you only when necessary.A Trial Manoeuvres and Curved Heading Line: Real-time calculations and presentation strengthen any decision made by the officer.A Chart Radar: Efficient multi-loading and display of electronic charts where ENC/SENC or TX-97 charts can be presented as an underlay simultaneously with individually created MAPs.AAAdvantagesAA A true chart radarA User-friendly and consistent GUI throughout the Transas 1CMultifunction Display 1D (MFD) navigation systems series - e.g. ECDIS, Chart Radar, ConningA Full MFD integration with high configuration flexibilityA 24/7 telephone and e-mail support with local service stations in all major portsA Remote (online) service, support and maintenanceA Highly cost-effective and flexible combinations with ECDISA Easy and affordable upgradesA Supplied with Transas Admiralty Data Service (TADS), which offers the best available charts and digital servicesTransas Marine Radar Manual 2017
Product Specification
- Range scale: 48 nmPulse width: 50 nS80 nS300 nS800 nSPulse repetition frequency: 2600 Hz999992100 Hz999991200 Hz99999600 Hz
Length: 4.4 feetFrequency band: 9410 ± 50 ACHzHorizontal beam width: 5.2°± 0.2°Sidelobes within ± 10001d52: -19 dBGain: '65 19 dB