Graal Level Editor For Mac

Download Levelator 2.1.2 for Mac from our website for free. The program is categorized as Audio & Video Tools. This free software for Mac OS X is an intellectual property of The Conversations Network. Level Editor The Level Editor is an offline tool for designing and editing levels. A level is a small part of the world which is exactly 1024x1024 pixels wide and contains tiles (background), NPCs and links to other levels. Different levels can be connected to form a map. Tiled is a tile map editor for macOS that offers you the possibility to create and personalize the maps of any game that is using tiles. The utility is opening TMX map files and enables you to quickly customize the environment with the help of multiple tile sets. Another notable feature of this Mac-only text editor is the ability to enhance the real-time text editing, thanks largely to the well-timed segregation into three columns that consist of the code editor, navigator, and files. Thus, you can comfortably keep an eye on the many sections of the code you are working on; without having to hop from.

Graal Level Editor For Mac Windows 10

Some of you may know me so far, if not I am a LAT staff on iEra.
As I've seen on some thread people are trying to get advice on how to start leveling and how to do it and what are the helpful tips to become a good levels artist.
I am not saying that I am the best in level making there are better people around the world who may know stuff that I never heard of.
So, this guide will be divided to Steps, let's start:
1-Getting GraalEditor (The program used on PC for leveling) :
The first thing you need to do is to download Graal for PC. To do that follow these steps:
a)Go to and choose your PC type and start the download.
b) Once the download is finished, go to your downloads folder and select 'GraalSetup' and install it carefully.
c) Once everything is downloaded open Graal from the location you installed it in the first place and you can make an account if you want to but it isn't necessary for getting GraalEditor.
d) When logged on, on the bottom left, you will see a small blue toolbar, press 'Start' and then 'Install Packages' , then look for Levels Editor and install it from there.
e)When it gets installed, it should appear in your Graal folder.
Voila that's how you get the GraalEditor!

2-Changing the tileset to be able to level with iEra tileset:
a)After running GraalEditor, at the right side of the screen, you will see 4 options, click the 3rd one 'Baddies, NPCs, Chests.'
b)After clicking it, some images will appear below the options, click at the one next to the noob character, it looks like an outline of a player.
c) Drag that into the level and remove everything written in it and enter the following code:
if (created) {
removetiledefs ;
addtiledef (tilesetname).png,1 ;
When trying to level for iEra use the following code:
if (created) {
removetiledefs ;
addtiledef tileset_era01-summer-online.png,1 ;
Don't forget to click the upper 'Browse' button and browse the tileset you wanna use, and make sure it's in the same folder as the GraalEditor.
d) Getting the tileset: There are a lot of tilesets around graal, the ones you already have will be found in your graal folder: Graal->levels->tiles
If you don't have the iEra tileset simply log on to era pc and use the tileset that will get downloaded to your tiles folder, it's the same as iEra's.

Graal Level Editor For Mac Windows 10

3-Starting a Level: Graal level editor for mac shortcut
a)After you are all set up, simply try to take a piece of the tileset and drag it to the place you want in order to create a level.
I will explain what each tile can be used for:
These tiles can be used for making wall borders for inside levels:
These tiles can be used for making inside walls:
These tiles can be used for making outside walls:
These tiles can be used for making outside roofs:
These tiles can be used for making floors/carpets :
And the rests for the tiles are clear and can be understood by anyone.
b)Adding NPCs: NPCs are very important in a level, they can be used for decorations and everything. You can get basic NPCs from going to Era PC and the files will be downloaded automatically to your graal folder, go to Levels->Images->Downloads(or Era) folder.
Once you saw the images, you can simply add them by dragging that outline character we used to add the tileset in the previous steps, and just simply click browse and use the pic you wanted to use to decorate your level.

That's all I have for now, sorry I couldn't give more tips and advice because I had problems adding images but maybe in the next 1-2 days i can actually record myself doing some random levels and maybe it can clear up some things for you guys!Graal Level Editor For Mac

Graal Editor Download

Hope you liked that guide, and sorry again but it will get updated soon don't worry.
Don't forget if you need help with any kind you can always PM me on forums or in-game!

Graal Level Editor For Mac Shortcut

Also please try to keep the thread away from spam so players who are reading this can notice the updates.